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Brick City Greenhouse is named to MM&M’s Best Places to Work, Class of 2019!

Highlighting some of the most prominent and progressive agencies in healthcare marketing, MM&M’s panel of judges recognized Brick City Greenhouse for its commitment to work-life balance, recognition of employee excellence, and effective and inspirational leadership.

Writeup from MM&M:

When assessing this “100% virtual” agency, a factor our judges found most notable was the high level of collaboration among employees, with several commenting that even though they’re based in different cities, they feel “completely in the know” regarding all companywide developments. Employees commented that Brick City’s leadership is open, honest, and timely when communicating any news (good or bad), ensuring widespread support.

As one staffer noted, “remote working does not equal disconnect at Brick City.” This seems to be due in part to the efforts made by leadership to encourage camaraderie through seasonal gatherings, daily video meetings, video check-ins and a shared workspace account for live meetings. “We’re accountable for contributing to and creating the culture,” said one employee, “so we want the best from and for each other in order to foster a positive atmosphere.”

Respect for a healthy work-life balance seems to be a management approach admired by all Brick City’s employees, and it earned the company a perfect score in the work-life balance category. Many credited the company’s virtual model, flex time, and unlimited PTO policies for allowing them to feel “completely present” in both their personal and professional lives.